Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition X

Below are a list of mostly business-related links from the past week (all about China).  Thanks to Bobbie Wu and Sinocism for a few of them.  The number in (brackets) is the book chapter that more detailed information about the topic can be found.

How to use Bitcoin

Had lunch with a couple of friends today and the topic turned to Bitcoins (BTC).  If you’re unfamiliar with this digital currency in addition to the obligatory wiki entry, I recommend reading Are Bitcoins The Future? from Priceonomics.

If you are interested in actually mining for new BTC I would suggest holding off, unless you own a supercomputer connected to a solar powered grid.  The reason why is that until recently it actually cost more in terms of electricity than you actually made in mining new coins.  See Bitcoin Mining Update: Power Usage Costs Across the United States (this analysis was done in July 2011 so rates are different now.)

If you are looking to buy/sell BTC I recommend creating an account at Mt. Gox which is the biggest BTC exchange globally as well as Dwolla which makes it very easy to move money from you bank account into it and get BTC from exchanges like Mt. Gox.  Once you have some BTC you need to move them into a wallet, one of the most popular is BlockChain.

And if you plan on drinking in NYC there is now a bar that accepts BTC.

Update: Meet the $2 Million Bitcoin Pizza from Hit & Run

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition IX

Below are a list of mostly business-related links from the past week (all about China).  Thanks to Terrence and Sinocism for most of them.  The number in (brackets) is the book chapter that more detailed information about the topic can be found.

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition VIII

Below are a list of mostly business-related links from the past two weeks (mostly about China).  Thanks to Kevin C and Sinocism for most of them.  The first half are from blocked sources, I can recommend a few VPNs if you need (that I do not have any financial stake in).  The number in (brackets) is the book chapter that more detailed information about the topic can be found.

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition VII

Have a really bad cold and temporarily lost my voice.  Below are a list of mostly business-related links from the past two weeks (nearly all about China).  Thanks to Mark Dreyer and Vincent S for a few of them.  The number in (brackets) is the book chapter that more detailed information about the topic can be found.

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition VI

Below are a list of mostly business-related links from the past two weeks (all about China).  Thanks to Sarah M and Sinocism for a few of them.  The number in (brackets) is the book chapter that more detailed information about the topic can be found.

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition V

Below are a list of mostly business-related links from the past two weeks (all about China).  Thanks to James T and Sinocism for most of them.  The first half are from blocked sources, I can recommend a few VPNs if you need (that I do not have any financial stake in).  The number in (brackets) is the book chapter that more detailed information about the topic can be found.

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition IV

Below are a list of business-related links from this past week (mostly in terms of China).  Thanks to Matt S and Sinocism for most of them.  The number in (brackets) is the book chapter that more detailed information about the topic can be found.

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition III

Below are 10 business-related stories regarding China from the past 10 days.  Many thanks to the WSJ and Sinocism for providing some of them.  Feel free to send me any you may come across as well.

Sotheby’s is working with Tefaf, the organizers of one of the largest annual European art fairs.  See Chapter 11 for more about the art market.

All goods and services in the new zone will be sold tax free.  Geared towards arts and entertainment and will be located next to Beijing’s Capital Airport.  Sotheby’s is going to run the art zone and the whole thing will be modeled after Singapore’s Freeport facility.  Supposed to be up and running in 2014.  See Chapter 11 for more about the art market and Chapter 14 about pop culture and entertainment.

Several Italian brands including Prada and Gucci (among others) are playing catch-up in the largest luxury market.  One interesting stat: Hermès, 50% of its sales come from China.  Check out the linked video for how and why.  See Chapter 11 for more about the luxury goods market.

There over a million millionaires (USD) and 2.7 million high-networth individuals (HNWI) in China and according to Hurun 85% of HNWI will send their children overseas.  Where will these families live?  Perhaps in style, in domiciles that are customized to cater to Chinese tastes.  In Chapter 5, footnote 7 I noted that another area Chinese individuals and firms are now investing in is the US real estate and property market.  According to a recent report, “[b]uyers from China also invested almost $2 billion in commercial property in 2011, or quadruple what they spent several years ago.”  One of the recent deals was led by China’s Vanke (the largest real estate developer on the mainland) who agreed to a $620 million project in San Fransico in December 2012.  See Chinese buyers lead foreign investment in US housing market from Fox News, China Vanke Arrives in U.S. from The Wall Street Journal and Lennar Said to Get $1.7 Billion San Francisco Loan from Bloomberg

Although sobering, this is a great story for those unfamiliar with the various sacrifices that parents and families will do to put their kids through higher education.  And the labor market afterwards is hyper competitive (hence the reason why many families with the means, will send their kids overseas or cajole their kin to go to grad school).  I have had about a dozen former students message me over the past couple weeks as they are about to graduate and are facing similar circumstances: a degree without any job prospects related to their field of study.  See Chapter 9 for more about education and the labor market.

Another detailed story, with hard numbers, regarding the skillset mismatch of college graduates and labor market.  According to one survey, 16.4% of new Chinese college graduates are currently unemployed versus a mere 4.2% who quit after elementary school.  One of the reasons why is that those with elementary educations are willing to work in factories whereas many of the college graduates are looking for an iron rice bowl job (铁饭碗).  Furthermore, for most college grads that do get jobs, they typically have to settle for wages that are actually lower than their counterparts who only attended elementary school.  This of course presents an opportunity for new businesspeople to find educated workers to hire at rates significantly lower than their Western counterparts.  See Chapter 9 for more about education and the labor market.

60% of the 194,029 Chinese students studying in the US pay for the education out-of-pocket, through private financing.  And these education bills can reach up to $200,000 for a four-year education (there are over 100 colleges in the US where tuition/fees cost $50,000 a year).  Yet the immediate return-on-investment in terms of salaries upon graduation is less than inspiring, although the article interviews several experts that argue that in the long run, it will payoff.  See Chapter 9 for more about education and the labor market.

This is the same Caterpillar that got burned in a $586 million fraudulent acquisition (a subsidiary bought a Chinese firm that grossly overstated its assets).  See Cat Scammed: How A U.S. Company Blew Half A Billion Dollars In China from Forbes and Caterpillar Still Investigating Chinese Accounting Discrepancy from Bloomberg.  Keep in mind however, that by 2020 China’s urban population will reach 800 million, by 2025 there will be 221 cities with 1 million people and by 2030 there will be more than 1 billion people living in cities.  See China’s urban population to hit 800 million by 2020 from People’s Daily, China’s Megacities from Bloomberg and one of the upcoming challenges that policy makers face with this urbanization is reforming the Hukou, or household registration system.  See also Eight Questions: Tom Miller, ‘China’s Urban Billion’ from The Wall Street Journal.

PE firms with assets of more than 500 million RMB (about $80 million) should register with provincial governments.  For more about PE see Chapter 5.

New documentary about Jeremy Lin (林书豪), the dark horse NBA player who all of my students talked about last year (and even this year).  Of course, being a Dallas-native I think it’s too bad he doesn’t play for the Mavericks, they could use the help.  See Chapter 8 for more on basketball in China.

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition II

Below are 10 business-related stories regarding China from the past 10 days.  Many thanks to Yanli and Sinocism for providing them.  Feel free to send me any you may come across as well.

Weixin has about 300 million users.  I used Fetion a few years back, it had a few of the basic functions that Weixin expanded upon.  See Chapter 12 for more about the popularity of Weixin (WeChat).

In Chapter 1, footnote 43 I mentioned that one of the issues facing policy makers is traffic congestion.  Each city handles it differently, some auctioning off license plates to residents.  The cost of license plates has increased as cities have become denser and more affluent.  In Shanghai for example, in the recent license plate auction held in January 2013, the average price for a plate was $12,000.  See Shanghai’s Newest Luxury Item: The License Plate from The Wall Street Journal and Shanghai licence plates ‘precious as gold,’ says vice mayor from South China Morning Post

In Chapter 3 I detail the milk powder scandal and the subsequent surge in milk importation that continues to take place.

In footnote 26, Chapter 14 I mention that the amount of foreigners residing illegally may actually boost the perceived laowai numbers.  That is to say, many of my Chinese friends and students are under the impression that there are more legal foreign residents than there really are.  For example, at least 20,000 Africans legally live in Guangzhou alone (up to 150,000 Africans are estimated to live there including tourists and those illegally overstayed their visa).  For comparison, between 580,000 and 820,000 Chinese migrants live in Africa.  There are tens of thousands of domestic servants (typically maids from the Philippines) under similar legal circumstances in Hong Kong as well.  See 593,832 foreigners live on Chinese mainland: census data from Xinhua, The Promised Land by Evan Osnos and China cracks down on African immigrants and traders from The Guardian and Eastern Promise in Little Africa from The Global Mail

If you have ever spent much time using search engines on the mainland it is painfully obvious that Bing (from Microsoft) is really bad in terms of producing relevant search results.  So bad that it only has .5% marketshare and it is not even blocked/impeded upon.  In contrast,, which is continually blocked/redirected/stalled, has about a 15% marketshare.  And Baidu, the homegrown champion has about 78.6%.  See Chapter 12 for more.

360Buy is briefly mentioned in Chapter 7.  It is an e-commerce portal that specializes on electronics.  It turns out that there is a bit of a scandal as employees have been caught in a scheme in which they would help boost traffic for merchants who gave them goods.  This is — so far — a smaller scandal than Alibaba witnessed a couple years ago (see this backstory).  Perhaps they can clean it up their act like Alibaba did, there is lots of current and future potential to provide that incentive.

In summation, there is a 20% capital gains tax on your second home throughout certain areas of China (both Beijing and Shanghai have passed this type of law).  Thus if you get divorced, your partner can technically sell the second property and not have to pay the hefty levy.  Many couples are actually still living together and are only divorced on paper, only going through this process to save tens of thousands of dollars.  While it is hard to say just how many divorces are because of this specific issue, in Chapter 4, footnote 40 I discuss some of the numbers regarding divorce and a few opportunities.  One area that may be relatively untapped is the divorce app market.  For example, more than 5,000 couples divorce each day in China.  Roughly 1.96 million couples got divorced in 2009; in 2011 2.9 million couples got divorced.  In fact, the divorce rate has doubled over the past decade in Beijing and Shanghai and is now nearly 40% (for comparison the national divorce rate is 2.29%).  To be even handed, some of these divorces may be related to avoiding regulations on buying 2nd or 3rd homes.  Yet just like in the West, when children are involved, the custody issues require communication between exes.  Thus online communication through apps may be a potential market.  See Ensuring a long marriage with insurance from China Daily, Joint Custody From A Distance from The New York Times, Divorce: Why the big breakup in China? from CNN, China’s Hot Real Estate Market Takes Broad Toll from NPR, China’s divorce rule dubbed ‘Law that makes men laugh and women cry’ from The Telegraph, Over 5,000 couples divorce each day in China during first quarter from People’s Daily, Divorce rate exceeds one third in Beijing and Shanghai from SINA, Shanghai has 2nd highest divorce rate in China from People’s Daily and Divorce app could help couples decide if their marriage has a future from The Guardian.

Based on current trends, by 2030 China will import 79% of its oil.  As a consequence, many policy makers are wanting to tap into fracking like the US has done, to acquire hydrocarbons and become less dependent on imports.  In Chapter 17 I mentioned that one estimate by geologists is “the nation’s recoverable reserves at about 25 trillion cubic meters, on par with the United States.” Thus both foreign and domestic firms specializing in the natural gas segment (e.g., extraction, storage, transportation) may find new revenue streams in an industry that is expected to pump “6.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas from underground shale formations by 2015.”  Yet despite the aggressive timeline for hydrocarbon extraction, another hurdle is a lack of experience.  None of the 16 firms awarded drilling rights at a recent auction has ever drilled a hole.  See China’s ragtag shale army a long way from revolution from Reuters, Environmental Frets as Frackers Move In from Caixin and China’s “Ultimate Goal Is a Huge Fracking Industry” from Mother Jones

Good short story, with anecdotes, of the real estate costs on the SAR.  Certainly one of the fewer places with more expensive cost of living than here in Shanghai or up in Beijing.

While Beijing is still the top tourist destination, with 5 million foreign visitors a year (see Chapter 4), Xi’an also is one of the biggest destinations for both mainlanders and foreigners.  According to the report:

Last year, Xi’an attracted 78.64 million domestic tourists and 1.15 million overseas tourists, 20 percent and 15 percent rises respectively on 2012, according to official figures.

“This year, we expect to see 1.3 million overseas travelers,” Dong said.

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition I

Below are 10 business-related stories regarding China from the past 10 days.  Many thanks to VG, Matt S and of course Sinocism for providing them.  Feel free to send me any you may come across as well.

Electric vehicles are mentioned in passing in Chapter 10.

Public listings and IPOs on the mainland are discussed in Chapter 5.

Jack Ma recently stepped down as chairman of the Alibaba Group, the largest domestic e-commerce company in the world… which still has not had an IPO.  I mention it several times in Chapter 7, 12 & 13.

Ubuntu is the most widely used Linux distribution.  However, as I mention in Chapter 20, there have been a number of top-down directed technology projects concocted on the mainland over the years.  While it may fare better than Jike (a search engine that flopped) I doubt it will replace Android or iOS anytime soon, if at all.

China is both the largest luxury goods and art auction market.  See Chapter 11 for more.

As discussed in Chapter 3, China exports a large number of different food and beverages globally.

As discussed in Chapter 3, Chinese consumers consumed an enormous amount of red wine each year.  In 2011 1.3 billion bottles of red wine were sold.

As mentioned in Chapter 14, China is the largest online gaming market, PC gaming market and now mobile gaming market.  Epic Games are the developers behind the Unreal engine and the eponymous game series.

In Chapter 12 I discuss the internet empire that is Tencent, the largest tech company on the mainland.  They are developers behind the immensely popular WeChat (Weixin) phone app and the golliath that is QQ instant messenger (as well as Qzone and Tencent Weibo).  Add me on it.

82 million Chinese tourists traveled overseas last year.  60,000 traveled to South Africa in the first half of 2012.  See Chapter 4 and 11 for more.