Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition XXVI

Another cornucopia of links, mostly China-related.  I wonder if encryption usage will become more prevalent by companies and individuals?  Maybe not though because it can be complex and cumbersome to use… although as David Veksler has mentioned, it is good “best practices” to prevent proprietary information from leaking at your company by utilizing encryption.  Perhaps services like Silent Circle will become more popular as time goes by?

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition XXV

A smorgasbord of China-related links.  Xi and Obama are meeting out in Sunnylands right now (good VF article covering Sunnylands last year).  I wonder if Xi’s wife (Peng Liyuan) will dump her iPhone now that Apple is allegedly part of the NSA PRISM program.  Thanks to Sinocism for several of the links.

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition XXIV

Despite the political issues and bilateral hacking, there is an ever growing amount of trade between the US and China.  This is great — win/win.  See the Bastiat link at the end for why.  Thanks to Sinocism for some of the links.

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition XXIII

Upcoming political meetings between Xi and Obama, relatively slow news other than that.  Some of the links are from Sinocism.

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition XXII

A number of stories from a variety of segments.  Several are from Sinocism.

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition XXI

Big mix of links today.  Certainly wouldn’t want to be a new college grad in China without awesome guanxi.

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition XX

Clearing the tabs of some article published in the last few weeks.  Thanks to Melissa for two of them.

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition XIX

Anecdotatly it is hard to say what direction luxury is heading since it is such a large segment now.  Government crackdown on big Party dinners still in effect, not sure if government officials want to be made an example of (including receiving traditional gifts like watches).

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition XVIII

Another relatively slow news week.  Big skillset mismatch with new college grads, sympathize with (unemployed) former students at the colleges I taught at.  Thanks to Xiao for a couple links.

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition XVII

Slow news week, pretty bearish too.  There are a few bright spots.  Thanks to Larry M for sending in a couple of the stories:

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition XVI

Mostly China-related links from the past couple of weeks.  Thanks to those who sent them in, see Sinocism for more:

Cryptocurrency in the news: X

Probably will be awhile before I do another curated set of links specifically for Bitcoin related topics.  Thanks to Vijay, Jeremy, Mike, Alex and Ben for the links:

Cryptocurrency in the news: IX

Thanks to the couple of sources who sent these in:

Cryptocurrency in the news: VIII

Some odds and ends of BTC today:

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition XV

Nearly all China-related business news.  Check out Sinocism for more (still too busy to re-curate them).  Check out the first interview with Shaun, great info.

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition XIV

A few links regarding China.  Read Sinocism for more (been too busy to peruse it).  Thanks to James for some links.

Cryptocurrency in the news: VI

Thanks to Vijay, Koen, Jeff and others for the links.

Cryptocurrency in the news: V

Thanks to Vijay, Ben, Jeff and others:

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition XIII

A few links regarding China.  Read Sinocism for more (been too busy to peruse it).  This past week was the annual Shanghai Auto Show, hence all the cars news.  Thanks to Kevin for a couple of the links.

Cryptocurrency in the news: IV

Thanks to Vijay, Jeff, Bryan and Aaron for a few of these links:

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition XII

Below are a list of mostly business-related links from the past two weeks (mostly about China).  Thanks to Peter and Sinocism for a few of them.

Cryptocurrency in the news: II

Many thanks to Keegan, SK and Vijay for some of the links.

Cryptocurrency in the news

Thanks to Vijay and Isaac (@aniceberg) for some of these stories.

Another Brick in the Wall: Link Edition XI

Below are a list of mostly business-related links from the past week (all about China).  Thanks to James and Sinocism for a few of them.

Bitcoin community in China

Got an email last night from an expat in China asking if there were any domestic BTC exchanges.

My response was that the largest one is BTCChina — but if you’re on the mainland you cannot access the site unless you have a VPN.

There are also a few Chinese-language BTC community sites, like Bitecoin and Bitcoin talk forum, but again you also need a VPN to access them.

A few news stories that I bumped into during the day: